I have used the Celtic Tree Ogham for many years but
recently I have been studying in more depth about it and Tree Lore through Ovate course. Over
the past two months I have written about the Yew, the tree of the Ovate, and also I have written about the Yule trees and
These are short post exploring my feeling for the tree, or plant, reflections and memories of walking amongst them, their history and lore. I have also shown a glimpse of their meanings in the Ogham. These writings, while based on my study of Trees and the Ogham are not definitive.
In the weeks and months to come my knowledge about trees and the Ogham will expand and develop, and I will have more reflections on Native British Trees.
As I go out walking with my dog on this blustery, grey and wet day I will pass a group of Silver birch trees. These trees will bring a glimmer of the light of the young sun into this stormy and gloomy winter day.
These are short post exploring my feeling for the tree, or plant, reflections and memories of walking amongst them, their history and lore. I have also shown a glimpse of their meanings in the Ogham. These writings, while based on my study of Trees and the Ogham are not definitive.
In the weeks and months to come my knowledge about trees and the Ogham will expand and develop, and I will have more reflections on Native British Trees.
As I go out walking with my dog on this blustery, grey and wet day I will pass a group of Silver birch trees. These trees will bring a glimmer of the light of the young sun into this stormy and gloomy winter day.
Links to Posts on Trees and The Celtic Oghman
The Scots Pine -Alim
Ihol - The Yew
Holly Blue and Ivy -Gort
Tinne - Holly
A Reading List
The Scots Pine -Alim
Ihol - The Yew
Holly Blue and Ivy -Gort
Tinne - Holly
A Reading List