I teach Reiki and facilitate Meditation groups. I ramble in the wild edges and urban spaces. I follow the seasons' circle. I tell tales, My allotment by the sea is my haven and retreat.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Mistletoe Guide to Other Worlds

Virgel describes in the Aeneid how the Trojan hero Aeneas mourning his father, Anchises wishes to travel into Hades to seek consul from him. Aeneas is granted his wishes by the Sybil Deiphobe but first he must to seek a golden bough of mistletoe and take it with him for protection on his journey into the underworld.
Aeneas encounters horrendous phantoms who guard the gates of Hades. Heroic Aneas full of fear and dread passes on to the River Styx where the boatman Charon ferries soul to the afterlife. Charon is at first reluctant to take Aeneas, a living man, across the river, but when he sees the sacred Golden Bough of Mistletoe he agrees to ferries him across. After wandering in the dark misery of the underworld Aeneas eventually reaches Elysium, the place of gladness, and finds his father's spirit. Anchises foretells Aeneas future and urges him to go to go to Italy where his fate lies. Weeping for his father Aeneas safely travels out of Hades with the protection of the mistletoe. and follow his destiny.
Mistletoe has been used in healing in magic and healing for thousands of years. The 4000 year old oak coffin of The Gristhorpe man found in a tumulus near Scarborough in 1834. He was taller than average for this period in the Bronze age. Contained among the artefacts in the tumulus was mistletoe in a bark bag. Was this for his passage through the underworld and perhaps his returnto the world. Was he a magician and healer?
In 1948 at Hochdorf in Germany a Celtic burial chamber was found to contain a man six foot 2 inches tall. He became know as the Druid Prince because his stomach contents contained mistletoe berries.
Celts and the Druids revered the mistletoe. The Druids cultivated mistletoe on many trees including apple ash, willow trees, hawthorn and also on the oak. The oak is a hard wood tree and as mistletoe grows mainly on soft wood, therefore the Druids must have been very skilled to grow it on the Oaks in their sacred groves. Mistletoe is rarely seen on Oak in the present time, but there are some oak trees with mistletoe growing on them in Epping forest and a few other places..
Pliny in Natural History XVI 249 -251 describes how on the sixth day after the new moon following the winter solstice the druids cut mistletoe with a golden sickle making sure it did not touch the ground. They would place some on an alter stone for the mistletoe thrush to take and renew the growth and spread of Mistletoe in the Grove. Some was distributed to people for protection and prosperity in the new year. the rest of the mistletoe would use to guide the Druid priest in his prophesy and magic work
Mistletoe was used in magic its hallucinogenic effect when eaten in quantity enabled them to journey on the astral plane and into other worlds. Perhaps like Aeneas they carried mistletoe to allow them to return back into the known world. When the Druids returned he would be filled with Awen's Bright knowledge and wisdom distilled from a mistletoe brew which was "baleful and poisonous".
Mistletoe was traditionally held to be a symbol of fertility and virility by the Celts Women wishing to conceive would tie sprigs of mistletoe to their wrist.
Old religions and ways declined with the growing power of the Christian Church but mistletoe is a powerful heal plant in the 21st Century.
With Reiki blessings & a safe harbour to you all
Mistletoe can be highly toxic to human beings please do not self medicate.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
The Symbol of Love & Peace
During the winter months Mistletoe growing on soft wood trees is easy to find as it grows on deciduous trees. The berries are nutritious and are eaten by bird such as the Mistletoe Thrush, Robin, Black birds. but the seed of the plant is hard and will pass through a birds digestive tract very quickly and then deposited in droppings on a branch of the Tree. The seed will have the perfect growing medium and position on the tree branch. Within six weeks the seeds will have germinated, however It takes five years for the Mistletoe to flower.
Numerous myths have grown up about Mistletoe, my favourite myth is an old Norse myth of Buldar son of The goddess Frigga. When her son was born she made all plants, trees animals and inanimate object promise never to harm Buldar. But hidden away in the leafy canopy of the apple tree the mistletoe was forgotten and was not called to make the promise.
The God Loki who is a malicious entity.tricks one of the other Gods into throwing a spear at Buldar to prove that he could not be killed.. The spear was hewn from the mistletoe and killed Buldar. His spirit sinks into Helhiem where all the dead go unless killed in battle.
Grief stricken Frigga sends her son Hermode The Bold into Helhiem to offer a ransom to Hela Goddess of this dark dank realm of the dead. She listens to his request in silence and stares at Hermode coldly. He begged her to allow him to take Buldar back to the world of the living where Buldar, the God of the summer sun, is sorely missed and loved. Eventually Hela agrees to consider his request over night. Hela is seething with jealous anger, she has been banished to this dark world by Odin and no one has begged for her return to the living.
In the morning she consents to release Buldar if all things living and dead weep for him So loved is Buldar that all the living and dead weep for him except one giant crone who refuses to shed even one tear for Buldar. This evil crone is none other than the God Loki, Hela's father. Once again Loki plays a malevolent trick on Frigga.
Frigga holding a bough of mistletoe weeps for her precious son now lost to her. As she weeps the mistletoe berries turn from red to white. From that time forward the mistletoe promised it would bring only love and peace to the world.
It was decreed that when two people passed under The mistletoe they must give each other a kiss of love and peace and there should be harmony between them. A tradition still carried on today.
Wishing you all Love and Peace
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Poppy's new coat
The best part of owning a dog is the connection you make with them, the affection you share with them, and the humour they provide.” Henry Winkler (The Fonz)
Poppy was tied up for the first year of her life and hates to be restrained in any way. Attempts to get her to wear a coat failed because she would roll over and wriggle free, or slide along the pavement trying to rip it off. If that failed she attacked it and rip it to shreds when she saw the coat hanging in the hall.
This winter I tried again to get her to wear a coat in this bitter weather. No blues or read or cute coats, plain brown no quilting simple fastening at the neck and round the tummy. She wore it home from the shop and wore it out in the garden had a snooze in it, had her lunch wearing it. So far she is happy to wear it.
Is she growing old and wiser? I do not thinks so! On Saturday we walked to the allotment, Poppy in her smart new coat, me carrying a new fruit tree one minute she was along side me the next she had dived into a foxes den with only her bottom hanging out she wriggled further in and I held onto her lead and tried to extract her. Eventually she slithered out her coat still on and only slightly muddy. Her retreat was only because I was tugging her backwards out of the hole as I had her on the lead. Fortunately the fox was not a home! An underground dog and fox fight with me on the other end does not bear thinking about. I was glad she came out if she had gone any further she may have got stuck and I would have probably have had to dig her out. I retrieved the abandoned fruit tree and got to my plot. First thing I did was put the kettle on I needed my rescue remedy tea!
Poppy is a Follie a fox terrier collie cross. When I first had her she had been tied up for most of her first year and never mixed with other dogs or been walked. As a result she never sniffed anything, but now four years on she walks along sniffing for cats rats and to get her peemails, to which she always replies. Walking with Poppy at night is very odd she bounces up over garden walls seeking cats, or twirls and whirls when a fast car passes us.. Occasionally she walks quietly and then takes another twirl or bounce. she rarely barks when she is out now. Sometimes at a car, or a bike. Unlike the first walk we took but that is another story.
She barks at the plot sometimes at a car carrying away one of her human fans, or as friends cycle off. The flight of a flock of geese flying overhead is serenaded by Poppy, as are air rescue helicopters and navy helicopters. On the way out if I have spent too long chatting to friend I pass at the allotments she natters then lurches off and as she is so strong I follow saying my good byes as I am hauled along by Poppy ,who is power walking up the path heading for the gate and home.
Poppy is affectionate, funny, strong in body and will. She is afraid off traffic especially buses, dustcarts Coop Lorries.
She will be five on the 21st of December 2012 and I am so grateful for her being in my life for four years.
Poppy was tied up for the first year of her life and hates to be restrained in any way. Attempts to get her to wear a coat failed because she would roll over and wriggle free, or slide along the pavement trying to rip it off. If that failed she attacked it and rip it to shreds when she saw the coat hanging in the hall.
This winter I tried again to get her to wear a coat in this bitter weather. No blues or read or cute coats, plain brown no quilting simple fastening at the neck and round the tummy. She wore it home from the shop and wore it out in the garden had a snooze in it, had her lunch wearing it. So far she is happy to wear it.
Is she growing old and wiser? I do not thinks so! On Saturday we walked to the allotment, Poppy in her smart new coat, me carrying a new fruit tree one minute she was along side me the next she had dived into a foxes den with only her bottom hanging out she wriggled further in and I held onto her lead and tried to extract her. Eventually she slithered out her coat still on and only slightly muddy. Her retreat was only because I was tugging her backwards out of the hole as I had her on the lead. Fortunately the fox was not a home! An underground dog and fox fight with me on the other end does not bear thinking about. I was glad she came out if she had gone any further she may have got stuck and I would have probably have had to dig her out. I retrieved the abandoned fruit tree and got to my plot. First thing I did was put the kettle on I needed my rescue remedy tea!
Poppy is a Follie a fox terrier collie cross. When I first had her she had been tied up for most of her first year and never mixed with other dogs or been walked. As a result she never sniffed anything, but now four years on she walks along sniffing for cats rats and to get her peemails, to which she always replies. Walking with Poppy at night is very odd she bounces up over garden walls seeking cats, or twirls and whirls when a fast car passes us.. Occasionally she walks quietly and then takes another twirl or bounce. she rarely barks when she is out now. Sometimes at a car, or a bike. Unlike the first walk we took but that is another story.
She barks at the plot sometimes at a car carrying away one of her human fans, or as friends cycle off. The flight of a flock of geese flying overhead is serenaded by Poppy, as are air rescue helicopters and navy helicopters. On the way out if I have spent too long chatting to friend I pass at the allotments she natters then lurches off and as she is so strong I follow saying my good byes as I am hauled along by Poppy ,who is power walking up the path heading for the gate and home.
Poppy is affectionate, funny, strong in body and will. She is afraid off traffic especially buses, dustcarts Coop Lorries.
She will be five on the 21st of December 2012 and I am so grateful for her being in my life for four years.
With Reiki blessings to all living creatures
Monday, 10 December 2012
The Mindless Chatter - White Noise

Everyday we are surrounded
by the white noise of the media, and on-line chatter. Mindless
gossip, carping, laughing at, and pulling pranks on unsuspecting people.
Peering into other peoples lives to reveal that people are human
and transgress. People are exposing the
grit and grim of their lives on social media like Facebook,
Reality TV, You Tube. Twitter, Everyone
both real and imagined have flaws.
Shakespeare was a master of showing the flaws in the characters in his plays. In Othello the character Michael Cassio, Shakespeare has shown how people who if young and inexperienced, and are simple natured, are easy targets for those who are more cynical and worldly wise and who have selfish intentions.
Casio is duped by Iago's bitter manipulative character to unknowingly providing false evidence against the innocent wife of Othello. Iago wanted to destroy both Othello's and Cassio' reputation and lives.
Casio had a flaw in his character lack of respect for most women except the few he diefies such as Desdemona. This what Iago uses for his plot against Othello. Cassio's mistress is Bianca and he is duped by Iago into talk about her and to create murderous jealousy Othello who is secretly listening and believes the conversation is about Casio relationship with Desdemona
Iago asks if Cassio will he marry Bianac
Casio laughing contemptuously sayes:
marry her! what? a customer! Prithee,
bear some
charity to my wit: do not think .
It so unwholesome,
Othello jealsousy goes
beyond reason leading to tragic consequences for all involved.
Shakespeare was inspired by a great insight into a how tragedy unfolds
In our modern world we have the
reality show. Where understanding and compassion are only mouthed about. One of these is Jeremy Kyle
show. Where guest wrestling with
painful dilemmas, pour out their grief, sense of betrayal, or injustice in front of a studio audience. They are
manipulated by Jeremy Kyle into exposing the rawness of their feelings and
anger. If a fierce confrontation breaks out the studio audience
boo and clap as the pantomime unfolds before them and delighting in the experience of being at
a good show.
Other popular Talk shows
are full of mindless chatter unimportant matters. ITV's morning show Lorriane is billed as a
topical mix of entertainment, discussion, and showbiz glamour, as well as
featuring fashion food, and celebrity gossip Recently I heard Lorraine
and a stylist talking about wearing high heels which both women agreed were a
must for the fashionable woman, although both women admitted that their
heels were so high as to cause them pain. The stylist declared:
if I see someone going to a party
this Christmas in flat shoes I will be traumatised.
Traumatised is when a father staggers out of the rubble of a bombed house in Gaza carrying his dead child in his arms. and a parent in Israel weep for a dead child killed in a bombing of a bus.. Traumatised is when Kiki cannot get to her home in Mexico city because Drug gangs are waging a war on her street. On a street where her son is trapped in his house terrified by the men with machine guns.
Everything is fair game for the
hunters of a sensation, even for fun. A young women's privacy was invaded
as she was hospitalised for problems with her pregnancy. Just for Fun two young DJ's were manipulated
into make a phone call to the private hospital were the Duchess of Cambridge
was a patient. One pretended to be the Queen and a nurse put them through
to the Duchess' nurse who revealed details about her condition unaware of the
hoax being played on her. Mindless chatter of the DJs about what fun as
they flew on a high. Michael Christian wrote
The only bad thing about our Royal Prank… is knowing that I will NEVER EVER top this,'' he posted on Facebook. "Less than a week in the job & I've already peaked.
But from that peak he fell crashing down when the news broke of the suicide of
Jacintha Saldanha.. The nurse who first answered the phone at .the Royal Hospital London . The Prank was not so funny then.
Jacintha Saldanha.. The nurse who first answered the phone at .the Royal Hospital London . The Prank was not so funny then.
But who was it that encouraged these young inexperienced DJs to pull this prank ? Who was the person who gave them the number? What where the names of the producer and lawyer who agreed that the Prank call should be broadcast.? These people, I believe, used this scoop for the selfish intention of increasing the ratings for the show and advertising revenue. They knew this hoax call with real information about the Duchess's pregnancy would go viral round the world. Her privacy was discarded.
The DJs .Mel Greig and Michael Christian not entirely to blame and I believe they are:
They are in environment where it is OK to use any means to get that Scoops. A world where respect for others privacy is thrown aside for tittle-tattle, the headline the jape. Those who are really to responsible remain anonymous whilst these two young people take the brunt of the backlash. They are feeling the full force of public anger . But have the production team step forward to take a share of the backlash? No!
gutted" and "heartbroken
They are in environment where it is OK to use any means to get that Scoops. A world where respect for others privacy is thrown aside for tittle-tattle, the headline the jape. Those who are really to responsible remain anonymous whilst these two young people take the brunt of the backlash. They are feeling the full force of public anger . But have the production team step forward to take a share of the backlash? No!
This culture of of mindless, ruthless disrespect of a person's life in pursuit of another scoop is a culture engendered Rupert Murdock's News Corps Media Empire and has infected most media. The mindless chatter that fills the vacuum of so many
peoples lives.
I know out there in the
real world is a young man who must fear his wife might be subject to the
same ruthless and relentless media attention as his mother endured. A woman who, as we all know died, in
lethal a car accident while fleeing the pursuit of paparazzi. I also feel Prince William will understand more than most of us what it will feel like for two
teenage children when they take a lonely walk behind their mother's coffin.
It is a shame!
Sometimes our world seems so sad.
With Reiki healing to all those
involved in tragedy
Merry B
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Bee hope For Detroit
Detriot is a city I associate with those icon cars of the 60's,70's .I knew that the car industry has declined in Detroit like it has in Britain and Europe as the cheaper cost of labour land, tax cost and resources of Asia beckons the Global Companies. but the image of 40 square miles of dereliction seemed too vast to comprehend. The City is struggling to re-invent itself as other Cities in America and Europe are needing to do..
This part of a poem by Alex called "silence". She posted it on Cowbird and it was a powerful poem in which this stanza stood out in particular for me.
I don't know what to write about
when there is serious talk now about
dissolving the city of Detroit,
bulldozing it back into pre-history
into a primordial swamp. Detroit?
The changes that have occurred in Detroit has devastated many lives. As livelihoods, neighbourhoods have been destroyed by the closure of mile and mile of car manufacturing companies. The pain for so many people cannot be imagined. An image of an 87 year old woman living in the the last house standing in her neighbourhood is terrible one. She wants to move but no-one will buy her house so she left amongst the bulldoze rubble of her neighbours houses.
The images of East Detroit is like an alien landscapes as the derelict car plants and building crumble and decay. I can understand Alex's despair and horror. However there is hope
Nature has already started on the task of renewing the abandoned factories. Look at the picture above cotton trees are growing through the foundations and grasses, shrubs and weeds are taking back the land. In 1920 Detroit east side was farmland and now piece by piece, inch by 1 dollar inch new farmers, small holders, nurseries are wrestling back the land to fertile productive food cultivations. Neighbourhoods are creating allotments and growing their own food. People are growing food on their Balconies.
Change is the only certainty in is this life of ours. Detroit has been devastated by the recession but the seeds of the new resurgence are there. My friend Sue who is moving near to Detroit wrote when I asked:
Is Detroit going to bulldozed?
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Eastern Market Detroit food hub |
Not sure. There's been talk about "Urban Farms" and tearing down some of the run down buildings. The areas or cities around it are beautiful like Royal Oak where 3 of the kids live, Ferndale, Birkley, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills (were Dean lives) and Rochester Hills were we'll be. I'll keep you posted. We're going there this coming weekend.
Detroit has a beautiful "Fox" Theatre which my mom thought should have been called the Tashj. Inside is so amazing. There's a great farmers market called Eastern Market and Greek Town, Mexican Town, Irish Town etc. some really great spots amid the bigger pockets of decay.And Mary wrote
Times change and this just might be a change for the future. I can recall was Boston was a dying city - it was grey and grim. Then Mayor White came along and really changed the whole city, including demolishing whole areas, re-routing streets, putting up new buildings and shopping areas, and revitalizing historic areas. Today it is known as Government Center and Quincy Market and, no matter when you go there, there is a crowd of sight seeing individuals and shoppers. Also, the big dig came along and another part of Boston has had a face-lift. So, based on what happened in Boston, and continues, I think the Detroit idea of urban farming is a good, healthy thing for the city to do.
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urban farm |
So perhaps Detroit will not sink back into the primordial swamp but become a food producing hub for the urban areas around. There is vitality still there but also at the present time pain and devastation. But the farms are bringing in the pollinating insects, butterflies, hover-flies, bees and they are bringing on their wings hope and renewal to Detroit.
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Detroit farmer |
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urban allottment |
With Reiki blessings
And healing for all those broken by change
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