I saw a couple of Queen Bumble bees out on Sunday I was pleased to see them but they were having to work hard to find food. I am not going to empty the compost bins to raise the level of my beds yet as there will be creatures and insects sheltering in them. The wild life must have been devastated and I was wonder how my lovely big worm will have survived. However,worms obtain their oxygen through their moist skin and do this through the air, but as water is H2O they can get oxygen just as well from water. So they should be OK in the flooded beds
Kevin Butt from Lancaster University explain in a interview on the Naked Scientist Website:
Some people think that if a worm is buried and gets flooded, then they would seek to escape. But they don't need to because they can get the oxygen they need from the water. However, quite often we see earthworms on the soil surface or on pavements seemingly trying to escape from inundation of water. Perhaps, it's not that, maybe it's something slightly different - that the animals are actually trying to make use of the moist conditions in order to move away from their burrows, if you like, to pastures new so that they can mate with individuals that are not closely related to themselves.So I can relax and stop worrying about the earthworms on my plot now it is flooded. They will survive! I will also let them wander to pastures new if the urge takes them.
This week I intend to work on projects that I can complete round the edges of my plot, building and arch over one of the entrances to my plot. Putting in 5 foot stakes and supporting wires for my loganberry which is growing and growing. I planted it February last year and it is looking healthy and ready to crop well this year. I am also finishing my willow hoop fence which will support and frame my dog rose hedge.
My potatoes are now chitting in egg boxes in the dinning room ready to plant next month when the soil has warmed up and dried out. What I may do is sandwich them between compost and then put a further mulch of well rotted manure 5/10 cm - 2 to four inches on top. This a method Charles Dowding recommended in his book Organic Gardening:
This gives a higher yield and results in fewer slugs and keeps the tubers white.I received a packet of annual flowers as gift last year and I sowed them in late September, I have 50 or more plants now and do not know quite what to do with them, they have grown really well, but I now need the space for sowing vegetables, herbs and flowers. They are now out ot the greenhouse, with fleece ready to cover them in case of frost. I have heartease, and white campions plants ready to go out but even in my garden the soil is too wet and very cold. So they will have to be nursed along for a while yet.
There is plenty to do at my plot and in my garden but grey days do not inspire me to go out for too long. However, Spring is here my daffodils, violets, crocus and snowdrops tell me, and sunny warm days will return.
With Reiki's golden light and blessings
Merry B