When the year get to Midsummer I find myself in a reflective mood, the Summer Solstice brings the the longest day and this marks the begin of the slow lengthening of the night and shortening of the day until the Winter Solstice,when the cycle of year begins again and the light slowly returns.
I love the light evening and often Pops and I go for late walks just wandering quietly, unless a fox or a cat crosses our path when Pops will lunge forward ready for a chase in which case I hang onto her lead and we fly along until the quarry has disappeared. then she goes into sniffer dog mode. As we walked last night we saw the moon rise in the East, It is nearly full, as I look at it I imagine the Moon Goddess Cerridwen sending down silver rays of love and blessings from sky above. In the West the clouds were straggling across the blue sky colored pink by the setting sun.
As we walk in the evening the air is full of the perfume of summer jasmine, honey suckle, plants that attract moths to pollinate them, and we can see ethereal shapes flitting across our paths as moths are drawn fragrance of the plants. In my own garden the fragrance from night scented stocks evening primrose, honeysuckle buddleia and myrtle on warm night make it a delightful place to sit in the dark and watch the moths and reflect on 2014 and write my journal.
On my plot the red clover is now finished flowering so are the poppies, borage, logan berry cransbils, but the cosmos flowers are nearly ready to open as are many others, the blackberry hedge is full of flowers, as is the dog rose hedge and the wild flower among the fruit bushes, but the rich easy food sources of late, spring and early summer have finished for the moment and insects have to fly further to find pollen and nectar. But soon there will be a flush of bee and insect friendly flowers opening.
The herbs are beginning to flower, the buddliea-mint,the thyme in the fragrant lawn are full of flower buds, white, blue red magenta, the marjoram are sending up spikes of flowers, the hyssop, nasturtiums are flowering, and the tansy is sending up flower spikes which are loved by hover flies, lady birds but not the bees.
Somewhere on my desk must be the my to do lists for my plot but they do not seems to be so important now, the last vegetables of the summer season are ready to be planted and carrot seeds, beetroot seeds have been sown, The cold frame is filled wallflower, foxgloves, sweet williams, poppies, cornflowers all growing to be ready for planting in spring, in September more herbs and flowers will be sown to be planted out in 2015
For now, mowing the grass, watering and weeding are the main tasks of summer and of course harvesting the crops as they become ready. It is a time for friends to visit and share a picnic and while away a sunny evening. talking, reflecting and feeling gratitude for the all the living things that make our gardens and plots so fascinatingly interesting, bountiful and beautiful
With Reiki golden light and gratitude For Mother Earth
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way home.
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way home.