Friday, 8 April 2011

Touching The Earth

Another sunny spring day has just dawned and I am preparing to take Pops, my dog, for a walk and a run at St James Green, after which we will go to my allotment.  This time of the year it is hard work.  I have grass paths between my beds and the grass grows faster than anything else on my plot.  So I need to cut and edge the grass again!  However there are also two beds that need digging over.  I need to sow the parsnip seeds, put in the plants I have grown, water every thing, hoe out the grass and weeds in the beds......

Pops loves it at the plot she has to be on a lead but she has a bed she can dig, has a bucket to chase and chew, footballs and squeaky toys to play with.  She also has a bowl of water and treats and biscuits.  There are birds, helicopters, and people to bark at.  She also gets lots of hugs from my friends and neighbours at the plot. Often she just chills out enjoying just being there.  She helps me to remember that my plot is my haven a place where I can be still and quiet.  Here I can meditate,  open my Reiki basket and send healing to all those who have requested it, to family friends, our Earth and to world situations. 

 Pops has an enthusiasm for and joy in life and for the:

The present moment
Wonderful moment

When I take a break and put the kettle on  and make a  cup of tea I often hear in my heart space  Thich Nhat Hanh mindfulness verse:

This cup of tea in my two hands
Mindfulness held perfectly
My mind and body dwell
on the here and now

blossom time at the plot

As I sow seeds, nurture my plants and my trees, dig the earth I feel a connection to the earth and nature.

I am very grateful for the seeds that grow into the fruit and vegetables that I harvest, for the beautiful flowers I grow, for my trees, for the Earth.  

I am grateful for my allotment it is my haven  and retreat,
and for Pops my beautiful dog.

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