Tuesday, 27 November 2012

"If I were totally free to play, I..

Poppy going on an adventure
Oh dear I do not know what to write.  "If I were totally free to play" what would I do?  Play is fun but do I have fun?  I enjoy things, I am content but I rarely play.  Play -  that magic world were my  imagination and creativity takes me into new spaces and expresses a side of my that is tidied a way now that I am grown up.

Have I forgotten how  to play to let my imagination soar high and I feel the fun of just doodling playing with words, splashing paint and feeling the experience with out expecting an outcome. Do I go paddling in the sea, crunching through the autumn leaves? Build a snowman?  I used to at least I think I have done those things once upon a time.

Hey I do not bounce with joy, my dog bounces with joy as soon as I fetch her lead she bounces up and down runs up the stairs and flings herself at the front door.  I love her bounce but hear those voices saying,.

 "You should be the Leader of the Pack ."
Poppy should sit quietly before you open the door, and then she should quietly walks along side you."

My Poppy sits quietly for a moment then bounds out of the door on this adventure called a walk, what smells, what things to sniff, see, what to at bark?  Will she see a cat a pigeon meet a friends the possibilities are endless. 

I have lost my sense of play, my sense of adventure. I had it once, at least I think I can remember.  I want to play and I just do not know how.  Now this minute I will go up stairs and get my pastels and glitter, glue, paper and just doodle and draw and smudge, and glue feathers, leaves, tissue shapes on this huge piece of paper.  Play, be creative and use my imagination.  But Hey  I have to go up stairs and find all that stuff, and  it will make a mess, which I will have to clear up.........I have got to.......

Wow this playing is hard.  I will get Pops lead and  perhaps she can show me how to bounce and play.

With Reiki Light
Hope I find out how to play soon!

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