When I am down I make myself stand and look at all the plants that are growing now. So here is a snapshot of my plot as it was when I left it yesterday afternoon. My beds are numbered by me one to nine plus two Herb beds. The herb beds are flourishing, the lovage, angelic, tansy and my logan berry are in the bed alongside the shed and they are growing exuberantly and just about accommodate each others growth. I call this my thugs bed there is a cransbill on the edge of it., a lemon balm, and a bears birches not quite submerged under the competition. The bed by the gate is also growing well, filled with white and blue borage, cotton lavender, thymus, pineapple mint and Sage which is just ready to flower. That bed is full of colour and looks beautiful. I have been given a banana tree which I will plant along side I will put a bentwood trellis behind it to act as wind break.
All my trees are growing and full of fruit buds, as are the fruit bushes and all the cutting I took from them last year are growing and will be fruit themselves in a couple of years. However the grass is growing back despite being cleared twice from the beds. The garlic beds are doing well, even after being under water in February and March. My golden hop cut down at the end of September is growing well, with the blobs of blue which dripped on it. when I was painting my shed last week.
The shed being painted is another tick off my very large list of jobs to do. I cleared behind the shed, gave the inside a spring clean as well and cleaned and sharpened my tools last week. So more ticks for jobs done.. In front of the shed I am growing, I hope, a fragrant lawn. Yesterday I planted Chamomile nobile, a compact marjoram, Thyme Minimus, creeping Penny Royal, Acorn Marjoram. I also planted a Lavender Munstead which is an old fashioned lavender very hardy and does well in coastal areas. It has lovely violet blue flowers in summer. Eventually it will grow to 60 cm.
Poppy dog has already tried out the plants for toughness when walked on sat on or laid on. She was a upset as she got hit by my broom which was propped against the shed and was blown across to where she was sitting by a huge gust of wind. She came to tell me enough was enough and she wanted to go home. The final straw was it began to rain and she plonked herself on the new plants and laid down/ I did not like to move her as she looked so fed up, but eventually she got up to collect a treat and the plants were fine. Phew.
I have planted two lots of sweet peas Snopea a low growing self sporting plant, and Fragrant Mix, a bed of potatoes Duke of York and Anna, one bed of of chard and spinach, a new bed broad beans. The pigeons ate the ones I planted in November! I have put in new strawberries, the older plants are still in another bed because it too wet to grub them out and I decided to move them after they have fruited.. They are flowering valiantly despite.the grass that invaded the bed while it was flooded.
I put tall willow hoops in front of the dog rose hedge to give the roses some support and all but one survived the gales, replacing that hoop is another job on my to do list. I have made an arch at the entrance to the plot which is looking wonderful. My plan is make a willow arch between beds 6 & 7 to grow the beans up. I made one last year which worked quite well but by August needed to be supported by bamboo canes. I am hoping that with the aid of Jim Longs book about using bentwood in the garden the new arch will be tough enough to bear the weight of the beans without aid from Bamboo.
When I survey what I have done since March it quite a lot but two beds are full of grass and I need to hoe and weed the beds that are already planted.. Brambles from my neighbors plot and bind weed are creeping through into bed 8 & 9 and I know I need to deal with them soon. I am determined to try to eradicate it from these beds by the end of May as I have globe artichokes growing in the greenhouse. they will need to go in the ground in June. Oh sigh it makes me feel despondent to think about it.
Another area of concern is that the brambles I was trying to grow neatly along the edge of my plot decide urban order was not for them and they are thicken up ready to grow into a bramble hedge once again. I have decided it will be good to have a willow patch so far down the edge and then a lovely thick hedge of brambles along the rest. I will put in stakes and use rope to mark where I need to stop them growing beyond as it is on the edge of a disabled path. Hopefully it will not fall foul of yet another Health and Safety worry from a concerned busybody. the hedge which had grown for there for twenty years or more was grubbed out by the council because someone had reported a Health and Safety issue .it was well kept and was always cut back from the path, but Hey Ho a superb hedge and wild life habitat had to go!.
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One of the well established allotments At Farm Terrace Watford Save Farm Terrace |
Oh I am moaning again I must think positively and believe soon all the beds my plot will be be growing vegetables, fruit, flowers and herbs and the to do list will be complete, that is until I start another one .My plot is very peaceful and I feel privileged and grateful to have it. When I read about Farm Terrace's battle with Watford Council to keep their Allotments I realize how lucky we are in Portsmouth. But the developers have become Kings under the new planning laws the Government have introduced and all our allotments could be up for land grabs.
With Reiki blessings
and happy gardening
and happy gardening
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