Yesterday morning there was a lovely dawn,the waning moon was slowly sinking on the horizon as the sun began to rise. The day turned out to a be happy day working in harmony with a group of people who all love nature and care about wildlife.
I went to my plot and had planned out what I would do there. Weeding and watering were a priority but like all best laid plans I actually got very little done except the watering.
My lack of progress on the plot was all because of a causal comment to Jenny on the Community Plot, Growing under a Hazel hedge on their plot was a pine tree which had seeded itself and grown to about three foot tall.
I said
"Why don't you put that pine on the wild life area",
"Great idea we could do that." Jenny said.
I looked round and i was the only person there I guessed I was part of the we.
"Michael could help". I said
"Good idea", she said
She pottered off and return with Michael who was eager to help
So began the battle to get the pine sapling out from within the hazel hedge,. Michae, a giant of man plunged a long fork deep into the ground and levered it up all round the pine tree, Michael worked the fork, while I, having fought may way into the hazel hedge held it back so that he could see where to work After a lot of effort we realized it had grown through the membrane and this need to be cut before we could get the tree out. We also carefully scrabbled with our hands to get the tap roots out unbroken. Eventually it was free and we discovered there was not one tree but three small trees..
While the larger tree was soaking in my water butt we went to the wild life area and Michael dug a huge hole to accommodate the rootball, Chris got the compost and some manure from my plot and the tree was planted, watered and staked.
The lovely thing about was this is that Michael's Mother is in hospital and he had been very upset and worried. He cannot speak very well so it is difficult for him to express his feelings The week before he came to the allotment on the Wednesday but had not done anything he just sat down, because he was so worried and sad about his mum illness. But yesterday digging out a Christmas tree appealed to him He want to help get the tree planted on the wild life area, which he loves working on.
While he worked he told us he want to show the Christmas tree to his mum when she was out of hospital. The tree has now been named Michael's Mum's Christmas tree. Michael wants to put a fairy on the top at Christmas time. Jenny has already penciled in a Christmas Party for the groups and I will help Michael make a fairy out of my willow twigs
Yesterday Michael left for home smiling and felt hopeful that his mum would come home from hospital soon,
It was well worth spending the morning helping to move the beautiful young pine (pinus nigra) tree. It looks good on the wild life area, it has wonderful fragrance and will be a good habitat for birds and other critters there. Best of all planting it help Michael feel better.
Just as we were clearing up on the wild life area the Hampshire Gardens lorry came in with wood chippings for the plot holders and logs for us. Beautiful piece of cordyline palm and holly which Jenny and I built into a new stumpery as a habitat for lizard, newts,beetles and ....
Eventually I got back to my plot and watered it, Had Lunch and then there was a cloud burst of torrential rain! Poppy and I went home and got very, very wet getting there.
The community plot works with adults with learning difficulties, schools young carers, older carers and other groups.
With Reiki Blessings to you all
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